What is Jima's Go Introduction?

"Jima's Go Introduction" is a website specifically designed for Go beginners. "Jima" is the name of a cat that had a connection with this site's administrator, Yagimaru, during childhood. The cat was very intelligent, which inspired the name "Jima's Go Introduction."

System Requirements

This website is designed to run on standard web browsers. Everything is handled by JavaScript, and server communication is greatly reduced after the initial load. This site may use browser cookies. You can also disable cookies; however, in that case, settings such as audio ON/OFF will not be retained upon page reload.
* The site may not function properly on uncommon or outdated devices.
* JavaScript must be enabled for the site to function correctly.
* If caching is disabled, data will be reloaded from the server every time.
* Low-spec devices may experience significant delays in processing.

Go Rules

This site follows the "Japanese Rules" of Go. To end a game, please press "Pass" from the "Menu" and ensure both the AI and player pass. This site allows undoing moves, so feel free to use this feature if you lack confidence in your skills.

About the Tutorial System

The tutorial system is custom-implemented using JavaScript. AI tools like ChatGPT were used during the development. Additionally, the Game Boy Advance game "Hikaru no Go" greatly influenced the design.

AI Match System

The AI matches use the "GNU Go" engine. This engine is used as is. AI strength is adjusted per character.
The AI may not handle special board states such as complex seki, triple ko, or eternal life correctly. Please be aware of this in advance.

About Translation

This site uses generative AI to translate a site originally created in Japanese directly into English. As a result, there may be some unnatural points in the notation. While we have prioritized accuracy for Go terms, we cannot guarantee 100% certainty. We appreciate your understanding that there is a possibility of incorrect information being distributed.

Links and Streaming

This site is link-free. Feel free to introduce it as you wish. You are also welcome to stream or create videos using this site. The following banner image is available for use. Feel free to download it, but please avoid direct linking.


Programming Assistance:
Image Providers:
Sound Effects:
  Sound Effect Lab
  Springin’ Sound Stock